Un bailarín y un músico se embarcan en un dispositivo que trasciende las lógicas compositivas de lo musical y lo coreográfico. La obra diluye esos límites y explora la potencia de un sistema relacional que somete a los intérpretes a una puja permanente.
El cuerpo en escena activa desde la voz un dispositivo autárquico que traduce -a través de un micrófono- la energía acústica a una señal de control y ejecuta una serie de sonidos de forma aleatoria, tejiendo una trama que oscila entre lo referencial y lo abstracto.
La voz compone y descompone paisajes. La palabra se fragmenta, cede terreno, retrocede a un registro prelingüístico, es parte de una gramática que tracciona otros campos de sentidos posibles.
El cuerpo es llevado progresivamente al límite, se lanza al pulso que activó sin poder anticiparlo, interviene en tiempo real la trama sonora sin controlarla. ¿Es cazador o presa?
I love the microphone is an experimental co-author work by musician Pablo Chimenti and choreographer Rakhal Herrero. The work explores, from a multidirectional perspective, the relation between movement, voice, and programmed sounds.
A dancer and a musician embark on the creation of a device which transcends the compositional logics of the music and the choreography. The piece blurs these limits and explores the depths of the power of a relational sistem which leads the performers and the elements to a permanent struggle.
Through the voice, the body on stage triggers an autarchic device which translates -through a microphone- the acoustic energy into a control signal and randomly executes a set of sounds, weaving a plot which fluctuates between the referential and the abstract.
The voice composes and decomposes images; the word becomes fragment, gives ground, goes back to a prelinguistic register, becomes part of a musical grammar which drives other possible and fields of meanings.
Body and voice are lead progressively to the limit. The body releases itself to the pulse it triggered, without any chance of anticipating it, and intervenes, in real time, the sound weft without controlling it: prey or hunter?